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Low Emissivity Glass

A cost-effective solution for low U-value glazing.

Low-emissivity glass achieves U-values as low as 1.0 in double glazing and 0.4 in triple glazing, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing energy costs.

Superior insulation for year-round comfort and savings.

Low-emissivity glass enhances thermal insulation by reflecting heat back into your space during the winter and reducing heat entry in the summer. This advanced technology minimises energy loss, helping maintain a consistent indoor temperature and lowering heating and cooling bills. Additionally, it reduces UV light penetration, protecting your furniture and interiors from fading. Ideal for windows, doors, and skylights, low emissivity glass is a smart investment in energy efficiency, comfort, and sustainability. Upgrade your property with our high-performance, low-emissivity glass and enjoy the benefits of advanced glazing technology.